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from IPython.display import * #From the IPython.display library I get the clear_output(), display(), 
                                #and audio() methods
import time #I import the time library this will allow me to pause for 1 second

startingNumber = int(input("How many minutes? "))  #The startingNumber variable gives me my starting point 
                                                   #to count down from 
actualNumber = startingNumber * 60      # actualNumber is the actual number of seconds my countdown timer runs

while actualNumber > 0:   #A while statement allows me to create a loop, In python It does the actual countdown

    for increment in range(60): #This for loop breaks my and allows me to see how many minutes and seconds 
                                #I have
        #display(Audio("./beep-21.wav", autoplay = True)) #uncomment this line for a steady tick
        #print(actualNumber) #uncomment this line to get a rundown on total seconds
        minutesRemaining = actualNumber // 60 #using floor division to get the total number of minutes
        secondsRemaining = actualNumber % 60 #using modulo to get the number of seconds
        print("There are {} minutes, and {} seconds left".format(minutesRemaining,secondsRemaining))
         #The above line is a formatted print statement telling how much time is left
        actualNumber -= 1 #this decrements the total number of seconds
        time.sleep(1) #I pause for 1 second
        clear_output() #I clear the screen in Juypyter
        display(Audio("./beep-02.wav", autoplay = True)) #this sounds every minutes

print("TIME!!!! {} minutes have elapsed".format(startingNumber)) #upon completion this tells me how long the
                                                                 #the time ran
Audio("./beep-01a.mp3", autoplay = True) #Final beep of program
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