This website is for the work experince I have gainged when I am working in the Platt Tech IT Program, it will also list my qualifications, projects, and many more things to show employers I am a good hire. I will do this by having good layouts, good HTML scripting, and generally just my qualifications for the position.
Hello, I am Christopher Glynn. I go to the Platt Technical High School and take Information Technology as my trade. I choose IT because it is best supported by strong suits in computing, and I didn't have a lot of real weak spots in. I am also a hard worker who will stop at nothing to complete a small task, and if I cannot figure one thing out, I will do anything to figure out the obstacle before moving to find a person who knows.
I know how to code in HTML & CSS and generally know how to operate Python to an extent. I also like finishing my work very early so I can get to other work as quickly as possible. However, on some days I am slowed down due to waking up on the wrong side of the bed. I also real like HTML and CSS coding, they feel great to do because it is hard to do and feels more like an achievment than a job.
I also don't really do gaming when working I do that more as a pass time than a full time thing so I can be effective at fixing problems and not lazy like a lot of normal people.