In [2]:
def main(): #The main function of the Fibonacci Sequence
    fibOne = 0 #This is the first variable  
    fibTwo = 1 #This is the second variable
    count = 0 #This is the third variable
    fibOneList = [] #This will create a list
    fibTerms = int(input("Type a number here ==> ")) #This will create a variable based on what number the user puts in
    while count < fibTerms: #The while loop that will fill the list
        fibOneList.append(fibOne) #this will append the variable fibOne
        holder = fibOne + fibTwo #This will make the vaule of holder equal fibOne + fibTwo
        fibOne = fibTwo #This sets the value of fibOne to fibTwo 
        fibTwo = holder #This will make the vaule of fibTwo equal the value of holder
        count += 1 #At the end of the loop, this adds 1 to the value of count 
    print(fibOneList) #Displays fibOneList
    endgame() #Function to either end or start again 
def endgame():
    print("would you like to input another number? Yes or No ") #Displays if the user would like to play again
    answer = input(" ==> ") #If loop to answers
    if answer == "Yes" or answer == "yes": 
        main() #If the user answers yes, the main function will run again
    elif answer == "No" or answer == "no":
        print("Good day to you") #If the user answers no, this will stop the function  
Type a number here ==> 2
[0, 1]
would you like to input another number? Yes or No 
 ==> no
Good day to you
In [ ]: