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# I will import time so I can use sleep commands later.
import time

# This is a command that will allow me to make the 8-ball choose a random answer.
import random

# These are the answers that you will get after asking your question.
replys =  ["As I see it, yes.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again.", "Don’t count on it.", "It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "Most likely.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.", "Outlook not so good.", "Outlook good.", "Reply hazy, try again.", "Signs point to yes.", "Very doubtful.", "Without a doubt.", "Yes.", "Yes - definitely.", "You may rely on it."]

# This is will allow me to make the questions stop when the user says that they dont have ant more questions.
askingquestions = "True"

while askingquestions == "True":
    # This is me making my 8-balll sarcastic.
    an = input("What question do you have this time?")
    # This makes it so that there is a delay before the next sarcastic message.
    # The 8-ball letting the user know that their answer is coming soon.
    print ("im thinking about your question, hold on")
    # Another delay before the user gets their final answer if they dont have another question.
    # This is the answer to any question the user asked the 8-ball.
    Answer_of_8ball = random.choice (replys)
    # This shows the user their answer.
    print (Answer_of_8ball)
    # The delaay before asking if the user if they have anymore questions.
    # The 8-ball ask the user if they have anymore questions, if they do have more questions the process will loop untill they don't have anymore questions.
    Anotherquestion = input("if you have another question ill answer that one to. yes or no ?")
    # The loop if the user answers yes.
    if Anotherquestion == "yes":
    # This pauses the loop for 4 seconds.
    # this is the message that will display if the user says yes.
        print("you have more questions huh, ill answer this one as I said but I hope there isn't more questions...")
    # Another pause for 3 seconds.
    # This is the answer to their new question.
        print (Answer_of_8ball)
    # If the user answers no, It will stop the loop.
    elif Anotherquestion == "no":
    # This is the message that displays telling the user to leave.
        print ("Leave, go on I have other peoples questions to answer, I have a business to run here.")
    # This will stop the loop.
        askingquestions = "False"
    # If the user puts anything other than yes or no they will beable to ask another question.
        print("Uhh, I did not understand what you said so I will just guess that you have another question.")
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