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#This the the degrees and the measurement they will want to convert
temp = input("Input the  temperature you like to convert? Put the number of degrees then F or C > ")

degree = int(temp[:-1])
i_convention = temp[-1]

#if the user wants to change C to F
if i_convention.upper() == "C":
#this is the conversion to change C to F
  result = int(round((9 * degree) / 5 + 32))

#The other measurement
  o_convention = "Fahrenheit"
#if the user wants to measure from F to C
elif i_convention.upper() == "F":

#this is the conversion to change F to C
    result = int(round((degree - 32) * 5 / 9))
#the other unit of measurement
    o_convention = "Celsius"
#if the user inputs an invalid conversion 
  print("Input proper convention.")
#prints the results 
print("The temperature in {}, is {} degrees.".format(o_convention,result )) 
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