# The main function that will contain most the of the program's source code
def main():
# Get the binary input from the user
binary_input = input("Enter a binary number: ")
# Stores the length of the binary input, this value would be used later
# For converting the binary input into a decimal value
exponent_value = len(binary_input)
# The decimal value of the binary input value
total_value = 0
# Make sure that the user entered some value, if not alert the user and rerun the function
# Also delete all the function variables
if exponent_value < 1:
del binary_input
del exponent_value
del total_value
print("You must enter a value")
# The loop that will convert the binary input into a decimal value. The loop will iterate
# The size of exponent_value.
for conversion in range(exponent_value):
# If the binary input indexed value is zero, add 0 to the total_value
if binary_input[-(conversion+1)] is '0':
total_value += 0
# If the binary input indexed value is one, add two with an exponent of the conversion
# to the total_value
# The index value is the conversion + 1 * negative. The reason for this is because when
# Iterating through the loop we want to loop from the backwards of the binary input, since
# The last char's of the binary input have smaller conversions then the first char's
elif binary_input[-(conversion+1)] is '1':
total_value += (2 ** conversion)
# If the binary input indexed value is not either one or zero, the binary input is not valid
# Alert the user of so, and delete all function variables and rerun function so user could enter
# An
print("You have entered an invalid binary input")
del binary_input
del exponent_value
del total_value
# Return the total_value/the converted decimal value
return total_value
# Start the main function and store the return vaue in decimal_value
decimal_value = main()
# Tell the user the converted decimal value
print("The decimal value of your binary number is {}".format(decimal_value))