In [12]:
# The class that would contain the methods to convert to fahrenheit or celsius temperatures
class TempConverter():
    # The method that would convert to a celsuis temperature
    def convert_to_celsius(cls):
        temperature = float(input("Enter the fahrenheit temperature: "))
        convert_temp = (temperature * 9/5) + 32
        return convert_temp
    # The method that would convert to a fahrenheit temperature
    def convert_to_fahrenheit(cls):
        temperature = float(input("Enter the celsius tempurature: "))
        convert_temp = (temperature * 9/5) + 32
        return convert_temp    

def go_again():
    # Get's the user choice, either a yes or no
    user_choice = input("\nWould you like to make another conversion [y or n]: ")[0].lower()
    # If the choice is y, print an empty liine and rerun the main function
    if user_choice == 'y':
    # If the\choice is n, give the user a thank you and exit the function
    elif user_choice == 'n':
        print("Thanks for using the tempurature converter")
    # If not either, delete the user input and prompt user that their input is invalid, and rerun 
    # The function
        print("Enter a valid choice. You can only input y or n")
        del user_choice
def main():
    # Get the type of temp to convert to 
    conversion_type = input("What is the tempurature type that you want a conversion to [f or c]: ")[0].lower()

    # Make sure that that the conversion type is valid, if the input is not valid delete the input
    # And rerun the main function
    if conversion_type != 'f' and conversionType != 'c':
        del conversion_type
        print("The conversion type that you entered is not valid. You can only input f or c")
    # If the conversion type is c, run the convert_to_cesius method
    # And store the value into convert_temp
    if conversion_type == 'c':
        convert_temp = TempConverter.convert_to_celsius()
    # Or if the the conversion type is f, run the convert_to_fahrenheit method
    # And store the value into convert_temp
    elif conversion_type == 'f':
        convert_temp = TempConverter.convert_to_fahrenheit()
    # Print the formated converted temperature
    print("\nThe converted tempurature is {} .{}".format(convert_temp, conversion_type))
    # Run the go_again function, to see if the user want's to make another conversion

What is the tempurature type that you want a conversion to [f or c]: f
Enter the celsius tempurature: 40

The converted tempurature is 104.0 .f

Would you like to make another conversion [y or n]: y

What is the tempurature type that you want a conversion to [f or c]: f
Enter the celsius tempurature: 40

The converted tempurature is 104.0 .f

Would you like to make another conversion [y or n]: n
Thanks for using the tempurature converter
In [ ]: