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#Aaron McTaggart
#March 2nd, 2021

def main():
    binaryInput = input("Enter A Binary Number >>") #This input makes it so we can type in our 1's and 0's.
    exponentValue = len(binaryInput)#This tells the code how long the binary number is
    totalValue = 0
    #This is telling the user that runs this code that if they put nothing 
    #there, you have to put something for it to run.
    if exponentValue < 1:# if the exponent value is less than 1, the program will delete the variables below.
        del binaryInput #this deletes the binary input
        del exponentValue #this deletes the exponent variable
        del totalValue #this deletes the totalValue variable
        print("Bro, type a value") #this notices if you entered without putting anything and will tell you 
                                   #to put something.
    for conversion in range(exponentValue): #this is converting the decimal numbers to binary numbers.
        if binaryInput[conversion] == "0":
            actualValue = 0
        elif binaryInput[conversion] == "1":
            actualValue = 2
            print("Ones or Zeroes my boy, Ones or Zeroes.") #This is telling the user that runs this 
            #code that if they put anything other than 1's or 0's they will be treated with that message.
            del binaryInput #this deletes the binary input
            del exponentValue #this deletes the exponent variable
            del totalValue #this deletes the totalValue variable
        trueValue = actualValue ** (exponentValue -1)#this is doing the math needed for the 
                                                        #decimals to convert to binary
        if actualValue == 0 and exponentValue == 1: #this is asking the code if the 
                                                    #actualValue and the exponentValue equal there values.
            trueValue = 0
        exponentValue -= 1 #this is subtracting one from the exponentValue
        totalValue += trueValue #this is adding the totalValue and the trueValue
    print("The decimal value of {} is {}".format(binaryInput, totalValue)) #This just displays the final 
                                                                            #result of everything
Enter A Binary Number >>101101010100010011
The decimal value of 101101010100010011 is 185619
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