import random # This will put a random set of numbers in the password later
import string # This will make the passwords n' stuff strings
def generate_password(lengthOfPassword): # Defining new_Password...
myCharacters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "!@#$%^&*()<>?{}" # This will collect variables and numbers to create a random password
myPassword = " ".join(random.choice(myCharacters) for i in range(lengthOfPassword)) # Determines the length of password
return myPassword # Returning the password to me
def menu(): # Defining menu...
print("Main Menu") # Telling that this is the main menu
print("1. View Passwords") # See your previous passwords
print("2 Create New Password") # Create a new password
print("3 Exit") # Exit the program
choice = input("Enter what you want to do ==>") #Telling us to make a choice
if choice == '1': # If you chose 1...
with open("my_passwords.txt", 'r') as f: # Opening the txt file
print( # Allowing you to read the file
elif choice == '2': # If you chose 2...
myProgram = input("Enter the program you would like to use the password for? ==>") # What program the password is going to
lengthOfPassword = int(input("How many digits do you want the password to be? ==>")) # How many digits the password is
myPassword = generate_password(lengthOfPassword) # Generating the randomizer
print(f"The password for {myProgram} is {myPassword}") # The endoong result
with open("my_passwords.txt", '+a') as f: # Opening the txt file
f.write(f"{myProgram}: {myPassword}: \n") # Telling what is in the txt file
elif choice == '3': # If you chose 3...
print("Thank you for using the password generator! See you later! :)") # Nice ending message and ending the program
else: # If you chose ANYTHING else...
print("Error. Please Try Again") # Error pops up and you restart the program
#if __name__ == '__Main__':
menu() # You go back to the main menu
Main Menu 1. View Passwords 2 Create New Password 3 Exit Enter what you want to do ==>2 Enter the program you would like to use the password for? ==>a How many digits do you want the password to be? ==>10 The password for a is c I P % b J t w D f