import random #Put random inside of the code
user_score = 0 #User has 0 points in the beginning
computer_score = 0 #Computer has 0 points in the beginning
rounds = 6 #Round limit is 6
while True: #Shows that you can loop after the game
user_choice = input("Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>") #Defining user_choice with an input
possible_options = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"] #Options you can input in user_choice
computer_choice = random.choice(possible_options) #Defining computer_choice with random
if user_choice == computer_choice: #If both of us choose the same...
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("It's a Tie!") #Telling us its a tie
continue #Continue the game
elif user_choice == "Rock": #If you choose Rock...
if computer_choice == "Scissors": #And if computer chooses scissors...
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
user_score = user_score + 1 #You get 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Rock beats Scissors, You Win!") #You win
continue #Contine the game
else: #What's the other option?
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
computer_score = computer_score + 1 #Computer gets 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Paper beats Rock, You Lose...") #If computer picks Paper, you Lose
continue #Continue the game
elif user_choice == "Paper": #If user picks Paper...
if computer_choice == "Rock": #If computer chooses Rock...
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
user_score = user_score + 1 #You get 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Paper beats Rock. You Win!") #You win
continue #Continue the game
else: #What's the other option?
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
computer_score = computer_score + 1 #Computer gets 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Scissors beats Paper, You Lose...") #If computer picks Scissors, you Lose
continue #Continue the game
elif user_choice == "Scisssors": #If user picks Scissors...
if computer_choice == "Paper": #If computer picks Paper...
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
user_score = user_score + 1 #You get 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Scissors beats Paper, You Win!") #You win
continue #Continue the game
else: #What's the other option?
print("You chose {}. Computer chose {}.".format(user_choice, computer_choice)) #Format for telling us who chose what
computer_score = computer_score + 1 #Computer gets 1 point
print("{} - {}".format(user_score, computer_score)) #Format for telling the score
print("Rock bears Scissors, You Lose") #If computer picks Rock, you Lose
continue #Continue the game
elif user_choice not in possible_options: #If you input anything but Rock Paper or Scissors...
print("Error, Please Try Again.") #Error Message
if user_score == rounds or computer_score == rounds:
if user_score > computer_score:
print("You Win, Congrats! :D")
elif user_score < computer_score:
print("I Win, Nice Try! :)")
elif user_score == computer_score:
print("It's a Tie, Good Game! :)")
Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 1 - 0 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 2 - 0 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Rock. 2 - 0 It's a Tie! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Rock. 2 - 0 It's a Tie! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 3 - 0 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 4 - 0 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 5 - 0 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Paper. 5 - 1 Paper beats Rock, You Lose... Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 6 - 1 Rock beats Scissors, You Win! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Rock. 6 - 1 It's a Tie! Let's play Rock Paper Scissors! Choose Your Option. ==>Rock You chose Rock. Computer chose Scissors. 7 - 1 Rock beats Scissors, You Win!