import random #loads module
print ("Welcome to RPS!") #prints a welcome message
choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] #your choices
player_score = 0 #keeps track of player score
computer_score = 0 #keeps track of computer score
while True: #loops program
player_choice = input("please pick rock, paper or scissors:") #tells the player what choices they have
if player_choice not in choices: #if player didnt pick any of the 3 options
print("invalid, please put in one of the three choices") #prints what they did wrong
continue #continues to the program
computer_choice = random.choice(choices) #tells the computer to pick a choice randomly
print ("the computer chose... {computer_choice}") #prints the computers final choice
if player_choice == computer_choice: #if the player chose the same answer as the computer...
print("TIE!") #prints TIE!
elif (player_choice == "rock" and computer_choice == "scissors") or (player_choice == "paper" and computer_choice == "rock") or (player_choice == "scissors" and computer_choice == "paper"): #the possible outcomes
print ("YOU WIN!") #prints YOU WIN!
player_score += 1 #adds player score
print("YOU LOST!") #prints YOU LOST!
computer_score += 1 #adds computer score
print("your score: {player_score}, Computer score: {computer_score}") #puts score side by side
play infinitely please pick rock, paper or scissors:rock the computer chose... {computer_choice} YOU WIN! your score: {player_score}, Computer score: {computer_score} please pick rock, paper or scissors:paper the computer chose... {computer_choice} YOU WIN! your score: {player_score}, Computer score: {computer_score} please pick rock, paper or scissors:scissors the computer chose... {computer_choice} YOU LOST! your score: {player_score}, Computer score: {computer_score}