In [2]:
#Aaron McTaggart
#March 7, 2021
def celcius(): #This defines the celcius function
    celciusInput = int(input("What temperature do you want to convert to fahrenheit?")) #This asks you what you want to
                                                                                    #convert to fahrenheit
    actualTemp = (celciusInput * 9/5) + 32 #This does the actual math to convert it to fahrenheit.
    print("Turns out that in fahrenheit is {} degrees".format(actualTemp)) #This prints out what you converted to fahrenheit.

def fahrenheit(): #This defines the fahrenheit function
    fahrenheitInput = int(input("What temperature do you want to convert to celcius?")) #This asks you what you want to 
                                                                                    #covert to celcius
    actualTemp = (fahrenheitInput - 32) * (5/9) #This does the actual map that converts fahrenheit to celcius
    print("Turns out that in celcius is {} degress.".format(actualTemp)) #This prints out what you converted to celcius

answerInput = input("What temperature do you want to convert? For celcius to fahrenheit, press c. For fahrenheit to celcius, press f.")
# The code above is asking you what you want to convert.
if answerInput == "c" or answerInput == "C": # this is saying that if you put "c" then your converting celcius
    celcius() #This brings you to the celcius function
elif answerInput == "f" or answerInput == "F":# This is saying that if you put "f" then your converting fahrenheit 
    fahrenheit() #This brings you to the fahrenheit function
What temperature do you want to convert? For celcius to fahrenheit, press c. For fahrenheit to celcius, press f.c
What temperature do you want to convert to fahrenheit?69
Turns out that in fahrenheit is 156.2 degrees