In [1]:

def main(): #This is the main function for the important section of the program
    Nuser = int(input("What terms would you like?")) #This asks the user to type in any terms that they want
    N1 = 1 #created the Integer variable "N1" and had it equal to 1
    N2 = 0 #created the Integer variable "N2" and made it equal to 0
    Ncount = 1 #created the variable "Ncount" and made it also equal to 1
    NHold = 0 #Created the variable "NHold" and made it also equal to 0
    Nlist = [] #Created a list thats soon to be appended

    while Ncount <= Nuser: #This is a statement for when Ncount is less than or equal to the Nuser's terms
       Nlist.append(N1) #Appends the first number to a list
       NHold = N1 + N2 #Makes NHold equal the sum of N1 and N2
       N1 = N2 #N1 is now equal to N2
       N2 = NHold #copy N2 to Nhold
       Ncount += 1 #Increase the value of Ncount
    GoAgain() #This is the ending sequence

def GoAgain(): #This will create a function that will ask the user whether they want to go again or not
    print("Go Again? Y or N")
    answer = input("==>")
    if answer == "Y" or answer == "y": #If the user types "y" it will go back to the main function and restart the program
    elif answer == "N" or answer == "n": #If the user types "n" it will end the program and say a goodbye message
        print("Have a nice day!")
    else: #If the user types anything other than the two options above it will restart the GoAgain function
main() #resets the main function
What terms would you like?7
[1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
Go Again? Y or N
Have a nice day!